Home> News
- 2018.04.05Japanese traditional house for you
- 2018.03.30The article about our exhibition in Korea was posted ;)
- 2018.03.28See you Tainan! I'll be back :)
- 2018.03.27Have some drinks at the very famous bar in Tainan, Taiwan
- 2018.03.27Glad to see our Microcoil on the medical paper but we are located in Shizuoka, NOT Osaka :)
- 2018.03.23Medtec Japan 2018 is coming soon!
- 2018.03.19Closing KIMES with drinks ;)
- 2018.03.17An interesting library in Seoul, Korea
- 2018.03.16Exhibition KIMES 2018 in Seoul, Korea has just started!
- 2018.03.15Ready for KIMES 2018
- 2018.03.05We'll be exhibiting for KIMES 2018 March 15-18 in Seoul, Korea
- 2018.02.06We came back to MD&M again!